Thursday, March 6, 2008

Door Hangers

Ever come home to find a note hanging on your door knob?

Maybe the pizza or chinese place left it...

Or maybe the local carpet cleaning service.

You can do this too.

Just do a quick google on door hangers and you can find lots of companies that print them.


Do what I like to do...

Take a SuperMind Three fold brochure or booklet...

And put it in one of these plastic door hanger bags.

Works Great!

Drop Cards and You

Drop Card, Sizzle Cards...

Whatever you call them, they can and do work if you are consistent.

I grew up in this industry doing drop cards. This was the card I used.

Work from Home
$500-$1500 part time
$2000-$5000 Full Time
No Door To Door
Training Provided
(no that's not a real domain name)

Ahhhh those were the days...lurking around leaving dropping like a rat as the saying goes!
I did flyers EVERY day. Come rain or shine back when I was broke.
You could never find me without flyers in my bag. Even Joe Schroeder was surprised that I carried them back when he met me. It was one of my pillars of advertising. I took it very seriously.

Or how about a card that looks like a $20 bill.

Want a day of fun? Head to the mall over even better a CASINO and drop these around!
Sit on a bench and watch. Hysterical! And in the end people can not throw these puppies away
because they look like real they save them and your advertising takes on a life of it's own.
You can get basic really inexpensive drop cards at
Ask Brenda to customize something for you.

$20 bill cards are available at:

Now here's the deal...these ONLY work if you do them in quantity and consistently.So make a 90 day plan and hit it!
Email me to ask me for voicemail strategy if you want to put an 800# on your cards.

Here is some potential copy for Flyers for StarLink:

Learn How To Turn Your Subconscious
Mind into A Cash Bonanza

Call This # 24/7 and Hear How People From
All Walks Of Life Are Doing It

Now Experience Necessary

123 456-7890

New Program That Helps You Train
Your Subconscious Mind Brings
Mega Paydays to Average Joes

24/7 Recorded Info

123 456-7890

24/7 Info

Great Resource for Inexpensive Flyer Printing

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Post Cards

Post Cards are a GREAT way to build local business or long distance business.

They also double as GREAT drop cards.

Here is an example of an effective postcard

Post card files can be brought to your local printer or you can use to do bulk mailing.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Festivals, Trade Shows and Town Fairs

A great place to collect a TON of leads is Festivals, Trade Shows and Town Fairs.

I normally like to do a contest and have people give their contact info to enter.

So in the case of StarLink Maybe I will offer free copies of SuperMind as the prize.

Have a few copies for people to peruse on hand...

Have lots of literature to hand out...

And have people fill out an entry to win.

Then after the fair follow up with each lead.

This can be an extremely effective and inexpensive way of generating leads.

Drive Your Way To Success

Here is a great to promote by using your car. As a guerilla marketer who had an almost non-existant budget when I got started, tools like these stick on plates helped me advertise on a shoestring. If you commute to work you'd have to be crazy to not use your car to advertise in one way or another. Besides..with the price of gas these days you have to do anything you can to bring in more income! These plates help you do exactly that.

Here is another great way to drive traffic to your website locally. I use a decal like this and get business from it regularly. Very low advertising that works for you all day long.

Advertise your website just by driving or parking your car!

You can also get great car magnets at

Monday, March 3, 2008

Three Fold Brochures

Three fold brochures are an AMAZING way to build your business locally.

I used three fold extensively in my early days to get the word out.

See the Supermind Three Fold here

What you want to do is order CARD BOARD disposable stands from a supplier like

You can find these stands from many vendors.

Then you set up a route around town...

Pop in local businesses and ask if you can leave some info for their customers.

Then once a week check on your display and replenish as needed.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Mini Billbord Corrugated Signs

Have you ever seen those Work From Home signs up on the phone
poles at every corner or on stakes at the side of the road???

Those are called bandit signs.

Back in the day I used to travel all over the state putting
up these signs on the weekends.

You would be stunned by the response to these signs.

They really work and they are very inexpensive advertising.

Here's the catch....

A lot of municipalities frown on these babies.


So whatever you do...

If you choose to use this method of advertising....

Pay attention to where you put them.

To find resources for these type of signs just do a google search on
BANDIT SIGNS and you will find lots of vendors.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Pull Tabs

Pull tabs are those posters with the fringes on the bottom that you can tear off.

People use them to promote items for sale etc on bulletin boards and anywhere else you can hang a poster.

Here is an example:

You can create one for your home business to recruit or any product.

You can create one to give away our free eCourse and eBook.

Go for it!

Here is an audio explanation:

Grab A Pen

Say this to a buddy...

hey...grab a pen...

Write this down...

800 772-9781 ext 40

Tell them to go call it and let you know what they think.


That is The Starlink 800#

The number that appears in all the letter and docs your prospects see...

Learn how you can use this # all day to increase your results...

Friday, February 29, 2008

Small Classifieds

You can run ads in local papers...

Penny Savers, Step Savers..etc.

These ads are very inexpensive and
can bring lots of business.

Or you can go for a national campaign once
you get your feet wet.

Start with small classifeds that are 20 words or less.

We will have future training on this topic.

Here is a great place to do research on papers in
your state and across the nation.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tubers or Rock Toss

You can take any flyer, postcard, booklet or three fold and use it in
several ways.

The first is the TUBER METHOD...

This is when you take any piece of literature and put it
in peoples news paper tube.

You generally need a team of two to do this job...

One to drive and one to "stuff"


NEVER put literature into people's MAIL BOX.

It is a federal offense.

But newspaper tubes are fair game :)

A rock toss is similar.

You take a piece of literature.

Put in in a zip lock bag...

Stick in a landscaping rock...

You know..the ones you put in your yard.

The white ones that you get at the garden center...

So you put the rock in...close the bag and get a whole slew of them ready.

Then you and a buddy go out and drive neighborhoods and toss these
"packs" onto people's driveway.

When they come out in the morning they find your piece of literature.


Friday, February 15, 2008

Fish Bowl Technique

The Fish Bowl Technique

This is a great way to get local leads to send some info to...

Either for your primary or Starlink.

You can also use this technique to market your product.

Listen here:

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Be The Candy Man

Listen to this and learn how to stop selling and become the CANDY MAN...
(or Candy Gal)

The candy we are talking here is JOE CANDY!!!!
